
Are you not yet a user of the library? This is how to register.

You have multiple options for registering:

If you are over 18, you can:

  1. Register here with MitID - use the link at the bottom of the page.
  2. You can also show up at one of our libraries during staffed opening hours – remember to bring identification.

Children and young people under 18 must have a parent or guardian sign them up:

  1. They can register here with MitID - use the second to last link at at bottom of the page (Indmeldelse af børn og unge under 18 år).
  2. A parent or guardian can also show up at one of our libraries during staffed opening hours and submit a signed registration form (in Danish).

Please note:

  • If you live in Silkeborg Municipality, you can immediately use our offers of e-books, online audiobooks, films from and our databases.
  • If you live outside Silkeborg Municipality, you cannot use these offers though the Silkeborg Public Libraries.